When she’s alone Inoue is happy she was able to go up to Ichigo’s room.
Inside her head she imagines him dressed in a suit. She fervently thanks her brother’s portrait.
Just then, she receives a call from Ishida.
Yuzu and Karin.
They have an awkward meal..
Karin speaks strongly to her
and Yuzu goes to her room.
Ichigo also goes out. ~Ishida’s hospital.
Papa Ishida arrives.
There’s no explanation from him. Ishida roars.
Papa Ishida explains the situation to Inoue.
Ishida wasn’t attacked by a hollow or a shinigami.
But by a human who gained powers.
Ichigo comes home alone.
He yells. “That thing that I don’t know…”
He takes out the card.
And dials the phone number written on it.。
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