The Galley-la Company is the famous Seven Water shipyard to build ships and official supplier of the government. The Galley-la Company was formed by Iceburg a talented carpenter who had been a student of Tom Tom the carpenter and president of the Worker's where he was also a student Franky. Iceburg creates the ferry company at a time when the shipbuilding industry was thriving and prosperous there were seven companies competing Ice drew throughout his brilliant skill to conquer the other carpenters, and then five years ago brought together the seven companies competing in a single company The fact the Galley. The skill and passion for the shipbuilding Iceburg have not changed at all since then and carpenters never lost the devotion towards him because of that pride that binds him the carpenters do not scare them from the pirates will by any authority Galley of the carpenters are like that.Iceburg
Role: President of the Galley-
Department: ND
Weapons: ND
First Appearance: Volume 34
The Mayor and President of Water Seven of the Galley-la, beloved by everyone in town is like a hero. And they have good reason since he lifted the island's economy. It 'a great carpenter, very attached to his work and the city. It 'been a student of Tom Carpenter of the best world famous for having designed and built the train Puffing Tom Marine
Role: Secretary Iceburg
Department: ND
Weapons: ND
First Appearance: Volume 34
The charming secretary Mr.Iceburg, despite the grace does not hesitate to unleash a flurry of impressive kick anyone who dares speak ill of his boss. As everyone in town brings a lot of respect to the mayor and looks after providing for his every desire and deleting unwanted appointments from the agenda. He loses his temper easily, do not talk to evil Iceberg.
Role: Carpenter
Department: ND
Weapons: Chisels and spatulas
First Appearance: Volume 34
Carpenter-the galley. He also called mountain wind as all the Dock 1 is beloved in the city. It 'sa can run very high speeds and leap from palace to palace, has a curious nose similar to Usopp with the difference that its square is. He has been involved to see the Merry and bring the unwelcome diagnosis Luffy. To his way of speaking is considered "old" by Luffy and Usopp.
Role: foreman
Department: Masts and rigging
Weapons: String
First Appearance: Volume 34
Foreman of the Galley-la Company department rigging and masts. Always with a cigar in the mouth is a carpenter rather unruly in debt because of gambling. Do not miss a chance to pick fights with Lucci and Kalifa criticized for her clothes "skimpy". It 'a great item and showed us in explaining the construction of a ship and why it can not be repaired. In combat, it prefers the use of ropes, the techniques are indeed unique.
Role: foreman
Department: Sawdust and Nailing
Weapons: Saws
First Appearance: Volume 34
Foreman of the Company Galley-sawing and nailing department. A rather strange, not being able to speak using a kind of ventriloquism through its pigeon really strange. He always wears a hat and a tie that also brings his pigeon Hattori. It shows a lot more honest Pauly and returns the 200 million to Luffy. Does not use special techniques in combat but has a remarkable strength.
Role: foreman
Department: Pulley Pitch and Blacksmith
Weapons: Pair of weapons (katana and guns)
First Appearance: Volume 34
Foreman of the department hoists Galley-pitch and a blacksmith. He too like others has a particular character that always has a cowlick that once put in place checks from other parts of the head and arms. In combat use of weapons that can be pairs of two guns and two swords.
Role: foreman
Department: Carpentry and Welding
Weapons: Guns
First Appearance: Volume 34
Galley-foreman of the carpentry department and Welding Company. A man of huge tonnage with a thick white beard and full of tattoos. Its main features are the physical strength and size, in cities all adore him and are surprised by his strength. In the fighting of the big guns typically use the cannon.
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